The Leader Board


As Americans Struggle With Rising Costs, Democrats Determined To ‘Inflate Our Way Out Of Inflation’

With Americans Already Feeling The Pinch Of Inflation, Economic Leaders Admit, 'We're Experiencing A Big Uptick In Inflation,' But Democrats Are Determined To Spend Even More Money, Doubling Down With A Multitrillion Dollar 'Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Runaway costs and surging inflation are a huge worry for middle-class families. Every survey confirms it. Every conversation confirms it. Over the last 12 months, during this economic reco… Continue Reading


Dems Take ‘Big Lies And Fake Outrage’ On The Road To Georgia

Senate Democrats Will Hold A Hearing In Georgia This Week To Continue Their 'Shameless Effort To Manufacture An Air Of Crisis To Help Democrats Ram Their Election Takeover Bills Through,' Which Dem Leaders Have Admitted Is Mainly About Ensuring Democrats Win Elections SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This spring, the state of Georgia passed a mainstream election law that expanded early voting and made drop boxes permanent for the first time. The left responded with a total melt… Continue Reading


Inflation Fears Grow Just As Democrats Propose Another Gargantuan Spending Blowout

Not Long After Democrats' Last Spending Spree, Inflation Accelerated At Its Fastest Pace In 13 Years, With American Families Feeling The Pinch, 'From The Supermarket To The Gas Pump To Housing To The Used Car Lot,' Yet Dems Are Plowing Ahead With A New $3.5 Trillion Government Spending Proposal SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Just this morning we learned that runaway inflation is continuing to hit working American families and hit them hard. Consumer prices spiked in June cons… Continue Reading


‘A Massive Vetting Failure’: Biden’s Nominee To Be Director Of The Bureau Of Land Management ‘Collaborated With Eco-Terrorists’

Biden's BLM Nominee Loses Support As More Details Emerge About Her Radical Ideologies And Alarming Ties To 'Eco-Terrorists' In 1989, Biden's Nominee To Be Director Of The Bureau Of Land Management Sent An Anonymous Letter To The U.S. Forest Service Warning About Spiked Trees 'And A Lot Of People Could Get Hurt' "President Biden's nominee to serve as the head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 'collaborated with eco-terrorists' in a tree spiking plot before trading her court testimony … Continue Reading


Dems Ignoring The Failures Of Their Partisan Spending Bill In Their Rush For Another

As Democrats Attempt To Force Through Another Partisan Reconciliation Spending Bill, The Track Record Of Their First One Is Poor: A Massive Labor Shortage Fueled In Part By Higher Unemployment Benefits, States That Didn't Need Another Infusion Of Federal Money Swimming In Cash, And A Restaurant Relief Fund Beset By 'A Cloud Of Errors And Confusion' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Recent headlines have reinforced a warning that Republicans and economic experts have been arti… Continue Reading


As Violent Crime Rises And Police Quit ‘In Droves,’ Ocasio-Cortez Dismisses Concerns As ‘Hysteria’

After A Year Of Activist Far-Left Democrats Calling For Defunding The Police And Many Democrat-Run Cities Following Suit, Crime Is Surging And Violence 'Has Continued To Grow,' While Police Officers Who Felt Abandoned Are Leaving Their Forces, Yet Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Scoffs At 'Hysteria' Over Crime SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last summer, across America, peaceful protests were overtaken by lawless rioters. For nights on end, violence and looting left citie… Continue Reading


Schumer Fails At Failing

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Set Up June For A Series Of Votes On Partisan Designed-To-Fail Legislation, Hoping To Weaken Support For Minority Rights In The Senate, But 'Instead Saw Moderate Dem Senators Harden In Their Vows To Protect The 60-Vote Threshold' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As the Senate headed into the June work period, the Democratic Leader laid out an agenda that was transparently designed to fail: a string of far-left proposals that were not int… Continue Reading


‘A Tale Of Two Pipelines’

The Contrast Is Undeniable: President Biden Cancelled A Pipeline That Would Create American Jobs And Support An American Ally Yet Allowed A Pipeline That Will Help The Russian Economy And Embolden An American Adversary SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]wo weeks ago, the President left for Europe having already given the Kremlin two other gifts: a high-profile summit that experts predicted Putin would use to help legitimize his regime at home and abroad, and a waiver of san… Continue Reading


Any Way You Slice It, ‘It Still Retains S.1’s Rotten Core’

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Whichever Label Democrats Slap On Their Bill, The Substance Remains The Same. It's Always Been A Plan To Rewrite The Ground Rules Of American Politics … Today, The Senate's Going To Fulfill Our Founding Purpose, Stop This Partisan Power Grab, And Reject S.1' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Later today, the Senate will vote on whether to advance Democrats' transparently partisan plan to tilt every election in America permanently in their favor. By n… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Partisan Election Takeover: ‘The Same Awful Guts Are All In There’

Bloated With All The Same Awful Policies That Resulted In Bipartisan Opposition In The House, 'Nobody Is Fooled' By A New Bill Number Or Text Based On Sen. Klobuchar's Rejected Substitute Amendment: 'We're Talking About Fundamentally The Same Bill' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We're talking about fundamentally the same bill. And one thing's for certain: 'major overhaul' doesn't even begin to describe it. The same awful guts are all in there: There's the plan to forcibly rew… Continue Reading


Dems Remain Divided On S.1, While Republicans Are Uniformly Opposed

Democrat Leaders Are Still Struggling To Get All Their Members To Support Their Nakedly Partisan Election Takeover, With Significant Numbers Of Dems Expressing Concerns Both Privately And Publicly, As Republicans Have Maintained Strong, United Opposition SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Democrats'] marquee bill, S.1, is such a brazen political power-grab that the question isn't even whether it could earn bipartisan support. The question is how wide the bipartisan opposition… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Fight To Prevent Democrats’ Critical Race Theory Push From Gaining A Foothold In American Society

As School Boards Influenced By Radical Activists Increasingly Look To Adopt Critical Race Theory And The 1619 Project, Republicans In Congress Are Taking A Stand Against This 'Divisive Propaganda' While Prominent Democrats Deny It's Even A Problem SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Take the massive spending package Democrats rammed through in the name of COVID relief. The spending was billed as urgent, but its authors apparently had time to bake in a provision directing relief… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Economic Policies Hitting Americans In Their Wallets

Two Months After Democrats Passed Their Massive Spending Bill, Which Included An Extension Of Extra Federal Unemployment Benefits, May Economic Data Shows Americans Experienced The Largest Increase In Inflation Since 2008, Fueled In Part By Businesses Competing For Workers Against Government Benefits Passing Rising Labor And Commodity Costs On To Consumers, All Of Which Now Has Some Dems Reevaluating The Wisdom Of Their Unemployment Policies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "… Continue Reading


Despite Record Illegal Crossings At The Southern Border, Harris Laughs At Actually Going To See The Crisis For Herself

As The Crisis At The Southern U.S. Border Continues, The Biden Administration Is Still Sending Mixed Messages On Enforcement And Vice President Kamala Harris, The President's 'Point Person' On The Issue, Laughs About Her Continued Failure To Even Visit The Border Illegal Crossings At The Southern Border Are Already The 'Most In Over A Decade' With The Border Patrol 'Seeing A Dramatic Rise In Attempted Crossings From Mexico, Central And South America' "The number of migrants illegally cros… Continue Reading


Dems Prepare A Month Of Designed-To-Fail Senate Kabuki

Taking His Cues From Radical Leftists, Sen. Schumer Has Announced He'll Force Votes On Far-Left Partisan Bills He Knows Will Fail In Order To Falsely Claim That The Senate Is Broken SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Already, on multiple occasions this year, we've demonstrated that even a narrowly divided chamber is capable of taking productive, bipartisan steps on serious issues…. So the question at the outset of this work period is how Democrats will use their razor-t… Continue Reading


Biden’s Budget: Gargantuan Spending, Massive Tax Hikes, Yet Shortchanging Defense

'President Biden Will Propose A $6 Trillion Budget On Friday That Would Take The United States To Its Highest Sustained Levels Of Federal Spending Since World War II, While Running Deficits Above $1.3 Trillion Throughout The Next Decade' Yet Also 'Sidelines Defense Spending In Favor Of Massive Domestic Investments' "President Joe Biden will unveil the first detailed budget proposal of his term in office on May 28, a day later than originally planned, the White House said on Wednesday." ("Bid… Continue Reading


Violent Crime Has Soared In American Cities As Democrats Began To Defund The Police

'Crime Is Skyrocketing In Many Big Cities,' But Some Jurisdictions Have Cut Police Budgets In Response To 'Defund The Police' Demands And Many Others Are Rapidly Losing Police Officers SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "From coast to coast, American families are facing an explosion of violent crime on their streets and in their neighborhoods. 2020 saw homicides skyrocket nationwide. The sharpest one-year increase in decades. And 2021 is already shaping up to be even worse…… Continue Reading


Employers Struggle To Compete For Workers Against Government Benefits

All Across The Country, Employers Say They Cannot Recruit Workers, Despite Offering Higher Salaries And Even Bonuses, Because Some People Are 'Making More Money On Unemployment,' But Republican Governors Are Leading The Way In Ending Enhanced Government Benefits To Get People Back To Work And The Economy Back On Track As The Economy Reopens, Employers Are Struggling To Recruit Workers As They Compete With 'Enhanced Unemployment Benefits From The Government' "There's a wild card in the pus… Continue Reading


Markup Recap: Democrats Vote To Retain All The Most Egregious, Partisan Provisions Of Their Power Grab Over American Elections

During Last Week's Markup Of S.1, Democrats' Partisan Proposal To Rewrite Election Laws In All 50 States, Democrats On The Senate Rules Committee Voted To Spend Public Money On Their Own Campaigns, Mutate The FEC Into A Partisan Cudgel, Police Core Political Speech While Supercharging Political Intimidation And Cancel Culture, And Eviscerate State Voter ID Laws SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A one-party takeover of our political system. That's what Senate Democrats brought t… Continue Reading


Dems’ Slush Fund Helps Gavin Newsom Propose Paying Off Californians And Illegal Aliens With Money From Taxpayers In 49 Other States

The Treasury Department Announced This Week It's Handing Out Money From The Democrats' Massive Stimulus Bill To States With Little To No Revenue Shortfalls, Which The Dem Governor Of California Wants To Use To Hand Out Checks In Advance Of His Recall Election "The Biden administration will begin sending $350 billion in aid to state and local governments this month … White House and Treasury officials said on Monday." ("The Biden Administration Will Begin Disbursing $350 Billion In State … Continue Reading

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