The Leader Board


Another Record Inflation Rise Exposes The Biden Administration’s Continued Delusion

As A Plurality Of Americans Point To 'Rising Prices And The Cost Of Living' As Their Top Economic Problem In A New CNN Poll And Producer Inflation Rose At A Record Rate, Biden Administration Officials Are Still Insisting 'There Still Isn't Anything To Suggest There's Widespread Inflation' Another Monthly Inflation Indicator Hit Its 'Biggest Annual Increase' In Over A Decade "Prices that producers get for final demand goods and services surged in August at their highest annual rate since a… Continue Reading


Even Some Democrats Are Warning Against A New Backdoor Death Tax On Family Farms And Small Businesses

The Former Democrat Chairman Of The Senate Finance Committee Says Democrats Pushing Elimination Of Stepped-Up Basis 'Would Hit Family Businesses With Taxes They Can't Pay' While Other Democrats Are Similarly Sounding Alarm Bells About This Potentially Crushing Tax Hike Former Senate Democrats From Rural States Warn 'Eliminating The Step-Up Would Devastate Family-Owned Businesses, Ranches And Farms' Because 'All Of A Sudden, For The First Time, We Are Going To Be Taxing Unrealized Capital G… Continue Reading


Will Radical House Democrats Vote For A Budget With These Republican Amendments?

During This Month's Vote-A-Rama, A Number Of Commonsense Republican Amendments Were Adopted By The Senate On A Bipartisan Basis, But When Speaker Pelosi Forces A Vote On Democrats' Partisan Budget Resolution, Will Far-Left House Democrats Vote To Repudiate Their Own Ideological Stances? The Senate Voted To Reiterate Long-Standing Bipartisan Hyde Amendment Protections So Taxpayers Are Not Forced To Fund Elective Abortions The Senate voted on a bipartisan basis for Sen. James Lankford's (R-OK)… Continue Reading


Who Lost Afghanistan? President Biden, Our Commander-In-Chief

In His Determination To Hastily Abandon Afghanistan, President Biden Rejected The Counsel Of Top Generals And Ignored Warnings From Intelligence Experts And Even Fellow Democrats Of A Rapidly Deteriorating Security Situation, Leaving America's Allies Upset And Alarmed As America's Adversaries Take Advantage SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "It was pretty obvious to me what was going to happen. I predicted it, and I'm not in the intelligence business, that the Taliban would be i… Continue Reading


McConnell Consistently Warned The Calamity Of A Precipitous Afghanistan Withdrawal ‘Was Not Only Foreseeable; It Was Foreseen’

Under Presidents Of Both Parties Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Consistently Warned Against A Precipitous Withdrawal Of U.S. Forces From Afghanistan Based On Arbitrary Political Timelines And Not Conditions On The Ground TODAY: 'An Utter Disaster -- We Witnessed It On The Screen … What Does That Say To Friends Of America Around The World? You Can't Depend On Us' "Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is calling the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan an 'unmitigated disaster.' &he… Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Notch Victory In Fight Against Radical Critical Race Theory

The Senate Adopted A Republican Amendment To Prohibit Federal Funding From Going Towards Promoting Radical Critical Race Theory Ideologies In Schools The Senate adopted Sen. Tom Cotton's (R-AR) amendment to prohibit federal funds from being used to promote Critical Race Theory or to compel students or teachers to affirm Critical Race Theory in prekindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools. (S.Amdt.3680, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #342: Amendment Agreed to 50-49: D 1-47; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/… Continue Reading


Republicans Win An Upset On Hyde Protections. Can Democrats Leave Hyde Where It Belongs?

Republicans Secured A Return To Longstanding Protections Against Taxpayer Dollars Going To Fund Elective Abortions, But Prominent Democrats Are Still Threatening To End Them And 49 Senate Democrats Voted Against Them The Senate adopted Sen. James Lankford's (R-OK) amendment to restore Hyde Amendment protections to prevent taxpayer funding of abortions by a vote of 50-49. (S.Amdt.3792, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #336: Amendment Agreed to 50-49: D 1-47; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/10/2021) However, 49 … Continue Reading


Democrats Are Still The Party Of Defunding The Police

No One Can Deny That The Most Prominent Elected Officials Calling To Defund The Police Are Democrat Members Of Congress, And They Are Setting The Agenda SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last summer, across America, peaceful protests were overtaken by lawless rioters. For nights on end, violence and looting left cities in flames. And in too many state capitals and city halls, local officials froze under pressure from the Left and failed to protect their citizens, their homes, a… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats All Vote For A Tax Cut For Millionaires And Billionaires

Given The Opportunity To Ensure Their Tax Break For Wealthy Residents Of High-Tax Blue States Doesn't Benefit Millionaires And Billionaires, Every Single Senate Democrat Voted For The Tax Cut For The Wealthy All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Chuck Grassley's (R-IA) amendment to prevent changes to the federal state and local tax deduction cap benefitting people making over $1,000,000. (S.Amdt.3251, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #326: Amendment Rejected 48-51: D 0-48; R 48-1; I 0-2, 8/10/… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Shortchange Defense In Favor Of Their Massive Tax-And-Spending Spree

SEN. SHELBY: 'Supporting Trillions Of Taxpayer Dollars For Other Infrastructure And Social Programs Without Investing In Our National Defense Is Shameful And Inexcusable' All 50 Senate Democrats voted against the amendment offered by Sens. Richard Shelby (R-AL), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), and Roger Wicker (R-MS) that would have provided badly-needed upgrades for our military to keep pace with China and Russia, choosing instead their partisan multitrillion tax-and-spending spree. (S.Amdt.3293, S.Con.… Continue Reading


Overwhelming Bipartisan Senate Support For Cuban Freedom Fighters

The Senate Agreed To An Amendment Requiring The Biden Administration To Provide Free, Open, And Uncensored Internet Access To The Liberty-Seeking People Of Cuba The Senate adopted by voice vote an amendment offered by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) to support efforts to provide internet access to courageous Cuban dissidents whom the Castro regime is attempting to silence and suppress. (S.Amdt.3097, S.Con.Res.14, 8/10/2021) SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Right… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Vote To Keep Schools Closed

Given The Opportunity To Support In-Person Instruction In American K-12 Schools This Fall, Not A Single Senate Democrat Would Vote To Ensure Schools Are Open All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Tim Scott's (R-SC) amendment to ensure elementary and secondary schools are open for in-person learning. (S.Amdt.3073, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #324: Rejected 49-50: D 0-48; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/10/2021) Among those voting no were Sens. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Maggie Hassan (… Continue Reading


Democrats Vote To Make More Ordinary Americans Subject To Political IRS Witch Hunts

All 50 Senate Democrats Vote To Draw More Americans Into An IRS Dragnet Hunting For Ever More Taxpayer Money With A History Of Failing To Protect Sensitive Financial Data All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Crapo's amendment to protect ordinary Americans' financial transactions from an IRS dragnet. (S.Amdt.3099, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #321: Rejected 49-50: D 0-48; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/10/2021) SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The American people know that having the p… Continue Reading


Dems Vote To Support Biden Energy Policies Making For ‘A Cruel Summer At The Gas Pump’

Every Single Senate Democrat Voted To Support President Biden's Moratorium On New Oil And Gas Exploration On Federal Lands As Gas Prices Have Shot Up Over A Dollar In The Last Year All 50 Senate Democrats voted against Sen. Cynthia Lummis' (R-WY) amendment, which would have reversed the Biden administration's moratorium on new oil and gas leasing on public lands. (S.Amdt.3104, S.Con.Res.14, Roll Call Vote #320: Rejected 49-50: D 0-48; R 49-0; I 0-2; 8/10/2021) SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH Mc… Continue Reading


Regardless Of How They Vote, Dems Are Proposing To Hammer Family Farms And Small Businesses With A Double Death Tax

Though Democrats Claim They Want To Protect Family Farms, The Truth Is That They Have Proposed A 'Double Death Tax' That Would Hit 'America's Hardworking Farmers And Other Generationally Owned Businesses' Hard SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Biden campaigned on a pledge not to raise income taxes on the vast majority of Americans. But the latest reckless taxing and spending spree that Democrats are cooking up would crush our country with a historic set of sweeping … Continue Reading


Democrats Admit ‘The Green New Deal Is In The DNA Of This’ Budget

Congressional Supporters Of The Green New Deal Say In Their Own Words Of The Budget Resolution That Will Set Up Democrats' Multitrillion Dollar Reckless Tax And Spending Spree, 'All Of The Things That Are In, We Talked About In The Green New Deal' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The far left sees a strong family resemblance between these proposals and their socialist 'Green New Deal.' [In April] the House and Senate authors of that manifesto reintroduced it, while noting, and… Continue Reading


Bowing To Pressure From The Far Left, Biden Issues New Moratorium He Admits Is Unlawful

Despite Repeated Statements From The White House That The Supreme Court Clearly Said Only Congress Could Extend Or Renew An Eviction Moratorium, The Biden Administration 'Reversed Its Position' Under Intense Pressure From Left-Wing Democrats President Biden And White House Staff Said Repeatedly That The Administration Could Not Act Unilaterally To Extend The CDC's Eviction Moratorium Because 'It's Not Likely To Pass Constitutional Muster' "Before the reversal, Biden had been open to extendin… Continue Reading


What Does The Biden Administration Think Is Going Right?

Americans Are Keenly Aware That The Biden Administration's Policies Are Failing On Critical Issues For The Country: Inflation, The Pandemic, The Southern Border, Crime, Afghanistan, Iran, And Russia Americans Know Things Under President Biden Aren't Going Well, With A Recent Poll Showing 'Americans' Optimism About The Direction Of The Country Has Plummeted Nearly 20 Points' In Just 2 Months "As President Joe Biden completed 100 days in office, the country was optimistic about the coming year… Continue Reading


Democrats Pushing Partisan Amnesty As Border Surge Breaks Records

In Spite Of The Ongoing Crisis At The Southern U.S. Border, Democrats Want To Include An Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants In Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree That Would Only Incentivize More Illegal Immigration SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "As I've said before, Democrats' spree is reckless on multiple levels. We're all familiar with the staggering $3.5 trillion bottom line. We all know it would only amp up the painful inflation that's already hammering middle-class fam… Continue Reading


Anti-Gun Zealot David Chipman Is The Wrong Choice To Lead ATF

David Chipman's Long Record Of Extreme Anti-Gun Activism And Disparaging Comments About Law-Abiding Gun Owners, Coupled With Concerns About His Behavior From Current And Former ATF Officials, Demonstrate Why His 'Unusually Divisive' Nomination To Lead The Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, And Explosives Has Generated So Much Opposition SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member: "Ever since he was announced, I have been hearing from alarmed constituents who car… Continue Reading

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