The Leader Board


The Biden Administration Has Failed At Every Level To Alleviate The Chaos On The Southern U.S. Border

59% of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of "the immigration situation at the U.S.-Mexico border." (Washington Post-ABC News Poll, 2/03/2023) U.S. Customs And Border Protection Announced That 251,487 Illegal Immigrants Were Encountered At The Southern Border In December, A Record Number, Highlighting 'The Unprecedented Migrant Crisis Along The Southern Border' "Illegal border crossings during the month of December reached their highest level of the Biden administration, topping 250,00… Continue Reading


The Truth About Biden’s Signature Legislation: Tax Hikes And More IRS Audits On American Families

Biden's Signature Accomplishment Is A Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree That Raises Taxes On Ordinary Americans And Sends More IRS Agents After American Families REMINDER: Democrats Raised Taxes On The Middle Class With Their Partisan Spending Boondoggle "Biden vowed never to raise taxes on any Americans making less than $400,000 annually. Yet according to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Schumer-Manchin bill does just that. Up to $16.7 billion worth of tax increases, JCT estimates." … Continue Reading


American Families’ Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden’s Economy

Most Americans Continue To Disapprove Of President Biden's Handling Of The Economy And Over 40% Say They Are Worse Off Today Than When Biden Took Office "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch. Roughly 4 in 10 Americans (41 percent) say they are not as well-off financially since Biden became president, up from 35 percent one year ago and the highest percentage to report such a sentiment under any president in Post-ABC polls since mea… Continue Reading


America Deserves Better Than The Last Two Years Of Failed Biden Policies

President Biden's Failed Policies Have Left Americans Struggling With The Worst Inflation In Four Decades, Paying Sky-High Grocery And Energy Prices, Bracing For Higher Taxes And More IRS Audits, While Chaos Consumes The Southern Border And Afghanistan American Families' Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden's Economy "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch… Continue Reading


Schumer Doubles Down On His Debt Limit Hypocrisy

'Some Democrats Are Trying To Rewrite History And Pretend That Republicans' Demands For Negotiations Are Unusual. But That's Just False.… The Pelosi-Schumer Playbook For The Debt Limit [Was To] Demand Negotiations' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Some Democrats are trying to rewrite history and pretend that Republicans' demands for negotiations are unusual. But that's just false. Back in 2017, the Senate Democratic Leader said the debt ceiling gave Democrats, quote, … Continue Reading


Americans’ Painful Economic Reality Is A Far Cry From Joe Biden’s Out-Of-Touch Spin

While President Biden Claims That His Economic Policies Are Working, Americans Still Struggling With High Inflation Are Pulling Back On Spending And Falling Into Debt President Biden Keeps Boasting That 'The Biden Economic Plan … Is Actually Working' And 'Families Are Breathing Just A Little Bit Easier' PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "I don't think it's unfair to say that this is all evidence that the Biden economic plan … is actually working. It's working." ("Remarks by President Bid… Continue Reading


Schumer’s Hypocritical Debt Limit History

In 2017, Sen. Chuck Schumer Talked About Using The Debt Limit 'As Leverage,' In Stark Contrast To His Categorical Assertions Today That 'Using It As A Bargaining Chip' 'Should Be Off The Table' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "[T]hey know there is no reason-no reason, no argument, no logic-to justify flipping your position 180 degrees and calling it some kind of principle. It is not. It is utterly craven …" (Sen. Schumer, Remarks, 9/21/2020) In 2017, Schumer Bragged About Democrats U… Continue Reading


Record Numbers Of Encounters At The Southern Border Show The Biden Administration’s Ongoing Failure To Tackle The Crisis

As Customs And Border Protection Announces Yet Another Record Month Of Illegal Border Crossings On The Southwest U.S. Border, Cities Where Migrants Arrive Are Reaching The Breaking Point, And Americans Are Fed Up SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Biden Administration has spent two years turning its back on the proven tools and policies that Republicans used to strengthen our southern border. Two years of a functionally open-borders policy from Washington Democrats. And tw… Continue Reading


Inflation Remains ‘Well Above Normal Levels’ Because Of Biden’s Economic Policies

Since Joe Biden Took Office, Prices Have Increased 13.5% And Monthly Year-Over-Year Inflation Remains Far Above What Is Normal, A Situation Economists Agree Was Made Worse By The Reckless Spending Sprees Passed By Biden And Democrats December marked the TWENTIETH consecutive month in which inflation rose at least 5 percent year-over-year. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/12/2023) Prior to 2021, year-over-year monthly inflation had not been as high as it was in December 2022 since 19… Continue Reading


Because Of Leader McConnell And A Majority Of The Senate Preserving The Filibuster, Partisan Democrat Priorities Were Kept Out Of The Appropriations Bill

A Bipartisan Majority Of The Senate Agreed With The Reasoning Of Leader McConnell And Others About The Fundamental Importance Of The 60-Vote Threshold To The Senate And Its Continued Presence Has Shaped Another Major Piece Of Legislation, Forcing The Majority Party To Negotiate With The Minority Party Leader McConnell: 'The Filibuster Is About More Than What Gets Blocked; It Shapes Almost Everything The Senate Does Pass' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The filibuster is … Continue Reading


Senate Republicans Secured ‘Robust Defense Spending’ At The Expense Of Democrats’ Liberal Spending

Senior Democrats Are Upset That The Appropriations Legislation Grows Defense Spending At The Expense Of Liberal Domestic Programs Yet This Funding Is Essential To Sustaining American Forces And Equipping Them To Confront Threats From Russia, China, And Others SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Biden's proposal for fiscal year 2023 was a massive, real-dollar increase for liberal domestic spending and a significant real-dollar cut for the national defense. Thanks to ti… Continue Reading


The Government Funding Agreement Conforms To The Conservative Policy Guidelines Leader McConnell Has Defined For Months

This Year, Leader McConnell Clearly Laid Out Conservative Policy Markers That Would Have To Be Met In Any Bipartisan Government Funding Agreement And The Appropriations Legislation Released Today Conforms To Those Policies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The bipartisan government funding bill that Senators Shelby and Leahy have finished negotiating does exactly the opposite of what the Biden Administration first proposed. This bill provides a substantial real-dollar increas… Continue Reading


NDAA Features Crucial Programs And Force Modernization Needed To Confront The Challenge Posed By China

The Department Of Defense Recently Warned That China 'Has Mobilized Vast Resources In Support Of Its Defense Modernization' And The FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act Is A Critical 'Step Toward The Investments, Modernization, And Stronger Strategies That' The U.S. Military Needs In Order To 'Compete And Win' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today I want to focus on what most Senators agree is the single greatest medium-term and long-term national security challenge t… Continue Reading


Biden’s Policies Mean Christmas Comes At A Higher Cost For Americans Plagued By Nearly 2 Years Of High Inflation

November's Inflation Report Marks 12 Straight Months Of Year-Over-Year Inflation Of At Least 7%, Numbers That 'Are Way Too High For A Healthy Economy,' Resulting In 'Severe Financial Pressures For Most U.S. Households' And Higher Prices For Gifts, Food, And Decorations During The Holidays Inflation Has Remained Far Above Normal For Close To Two Years November marked the NINETEENTH consecutive month in which inflation rose at least 5 percent year-over-year. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Acc… Continue Reading


This Year’s NDAA Includes Essential Boosts To Munitions, Modernization, And Deterrence Against Hostile Powers

The Fiscal Year 2023 National Defense Authorization Act 'Tees Up A Significant And Badly-Needed Increase In Defense Funding' While Working 'To Protect Our Country From Threats Like China And Russia And Give Our Troops What They Need To Complete Their Mission' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he Senate and House Armed Services Committees released a strong, bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act. ... We have got to take our national defense, military modernization, a… Continue Reading


Democrats Holding Critical NDAA Hostage For Unrelated Partisan Policies

'The National Defense Authorization Act Is The Most Important Bill We Pass Every Year,' But Democrat Leaders In Congress Are Holding This Year's Bill Hostage To Partisan Priorities That Are Unrelated To American Security SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Republicans spent months urging the Democratic majority not to neglect this year's National Defense Authorization Act; not to leave our Armed Forces to the last minute. Five months ago, I called on our colleagues to process t… Continue Reading


With Violent Crime Still Plaguing Americans, Democrats Can’t Stop Talking About Defunding Police

Even As Violent Crime Continued Afflicting American Communities Over The Thanksgiving Weekend, One Prominent Senate Democrat Is Floating Defunding Law Enforcement Agencies SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "A few days ago, the Washington Post published a major report on the explosion of violent crime that has shattered communities across America. This terrible trend is familiar to many of us by now, but the tragic human stories are still shocking…. The national media ma… Continue Reading


Biden Vows To Change ‘Nothing’ As His Inflationary Economic Policies Squeeze Family Budgets

As Americans Suffer From An Eleventh Straight Month Of 7% Year-Over-Year Or Higher Inflation, A Nearly 14% Increase Since January 2021, Joe Biden Insists His 'Economic Plan Is Showing Results' And Vows He'll Change 'Nothing' About His Policies SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member: "This Administration's reckless spending has caused eleven consecutive months of inflation above 7%. Taxpayers are getting throttled by high grocery prices, high energy prices, and now hi… Continue Reading


Biden Keeps Blaming Everyone Else For The High Energy Prices His Own Policies Created

President Biden Has Spent Over A Year Blaming Anyone He Can Think Of For High Gas And Energy Prices But Refuses To Change His Administration's Energy Policies That Have Driven Prices Up November 2021 BLOOMBERG NEWS: "Biden's Remedy for High Gasoline Prices: Blame Oil Companies" ("Biden's Remedy for High Gasoline Prices: Blame Oil Companies," Bloomberg News, 11/18/2021) April 2022 BLOOMBERG NEWS: "Biden Blames Putin for Gasoline Prices, Touts Higher-Ethanol Plan" ("Biden Blames Putin for… Continue Reading


Democrats Failed Students, ‘Devastating’ New Test Results Show

Democrats At All Levels Of Government Refused To Quickly Reopen Schools That Were Shut At The Beginning Of The Pandemic, Siding With Teachers' Unions Over Students, And This Year Studies And Test Results Show This Was A Disaster For America's Children Nationwide Test Scores Show 'Historic Learning Setbacks For America's Children' Over The Course Of The Pandemic "The COVID-19 pandemic spared no state or region as it caused historic learning setbacks for America's children, erasing decades … Continue Reading

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