The Leader Board


Another Week Without Action On The NDAA In The Senate

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Let Another Week Slip By Without Moving This Year’s National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Yesterday, I was proud to attend a joint meeting of Congress and listen to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s message from Israel to America. He reminded us of our nations’ deep friendship, of the savagery of our shared enemies, of the sacrifices brave Israelis are making to combat them on behalf of the entir… Continue Reading


The Harris Economy: ‘39% Of Americans Worry They Can’t Pay The Bills’

As Vice President, Kamala Harris Cast The Deciding Votes For Trillions In Reckless Spending That Fueled The Worst Inflation In Four Decades SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Leading Washington Democrats prevailed upon President Biden to toss out primary results and leave the nomination in limbo while party bosses anoint another candidate. One thing is for certain: if they formally nominate President Biden’s preferred successor, the choice facing working Americans will remain the… Continue Reading


Congressional Democrats Turn Their Backs On Israel

As The Israeli Prime Minister Addresses A Joint Session Of Congress This Week, Far-Left Democrats Have Announced Their Intentions To Boycott Or Even Disrupt It, And The Biden-Harris Administration Continues To Vent Its Anger At The Prime Minister, All As Israel Is Still Fighting Off Attacks From Iran And Its Terrorist Proxies   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Tomorrow, the Capitol will welcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the democratically elected leader of America’s c… Continue Reading


Families Struggling With The Fallout Of Biden’s Inflationary Spending Have No Interest In His Dishonest Spin

As Prices Rose Again In June, Americans Are Still Having Trouble Paying Their High Grocery Bills, Which ‘Spiked … And Have Not Fallen Overall,’ All While ‘Buying A Home Is Out Of Reach’ For Many   Inflation Rose Again By 3% In June “Data released Thursday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that prices climbed 3 percent compared with last year … Additionally, a key measure of inflation that strips out more volatile categories such as food and energy rose 3.3 percent over the past 12 mo… Continue Reading


As NATO Meets In DC, Senate Democrats Prioritize Show Votes Over NDAA

Instead Of Demonstrating That The United States Is Ready To Step Up And Bolster Its Defense And Deterrence Against Aggressors Like China, Russia, North Korea, And Iran, Senate Democrats Are Allowing This Year’s Bipartisan Defense Authorization Bill To Languish, Wasting Time On Yet More Election Year Show Votes   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “This week, the Senate convenes with important business to address. America’s closest allies are in town. The eyes of the world are on … Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Rubberstamp Another Unqualified Biden Judge

Every Single Democrat Senator Voted To Promote Judge Nancy Maldonado To An Appeals Court Seat And Will Have To Explain To Voters Why They Supported Someone With Such A Dismal Record SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Judge Nancy Maldonado, a trial judge nominated to the Seventh Circuit, has distinguished herself with sheer incompetence. Thanks to reforms put in place by then-Judiciary Committee Chairman Biden, federal courts keep track of how many fully briefed motions have been … Continue Reading


Egged On By Court-Packing Radicals, Democrats Unleash A Torrent Of Outrageous, Unhinged Rhetoric At The Supreme Court

The Second The Court Makes A Decision Elected Democrats Don’t Like, They Respond With Outrageous Unhinged Rhetoric, Attacking The Court, Undermining Its Legitimacy, And Threatening Court Packing SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “For months now, the Justices of the Court have been the subject of an uptick in pearl-clutching and hysterics from the political Left and their media allies…. But no matter which headline is chosen as pretext on any given day, it’s the same old intimidat… Continue Reading


Schumer’s Show Vote Summer Puts Politics Over National Security

Chuck Schumer And Senate Democrats Are So Focused On Playing Politics That They Are Subsuming The Senate’s Duty To Address America’s National Security Posture In An Increasingly Dangerous World To Their Obvious And Cynical Campaign Tactics   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Last week, the Armed Services Committee voted to recommend a $25 billion-dollar increase to topline defense spending. In overwhelming, bipartisan fashion, our colleagues rejected a fourth straight budget re… Continue Reading


Senate Democrats Prioritize Radical Judges Over National Security

Despite The Armed Services Committee Advancing This Year’s NDAA Legislation, Senate Democrat Leaders Have Decided Instead To Spend Floor Time On Unqualified Judicial Nominees Who Are Far Out Of The Mainstream Last Week, The Senate Armed Services Committee Approved Its Version Of The Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act “The Senate version of the fiscal 2025 defense authorization bill would authorize roughly $25 billion more for national defense than the Biden administration re… Continue Reading


American Families Continue To Struggle With ‘The Predictable And Avoidable Consequences Of Bidenomics’

Inflation Remains Above Normal With The Cumulative Effects Of Three Years Of Price Increases Leaving ‘Almost Two-Thirds Of Americans Considered Middle Class [Saying] They Are Facing Economic Hardship,’ And No Amount Of Spin Or Finger-Pointing From The White House Will Change That Reality   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Since President Biden took office, consumer prices have risen more than 20 percent. The nation hasn’t seen this sort of persistent drain on our economy since… Continue Reading


Three Years Too Late, Biden Finally Acknowledges The Border Crisis His Policies Caused

Political Imperatives Have Finally Induced President Biden To Do What Three Years Of Disastrous Consequences For His Administration’s Immigration Policies Could Not   After Overseeing A Record-Setting Border Crisis Of His Own Making, President Biden Is Finally Going To Do Something … Out Of Political Desperation “President Joe Biden is set to sign a long-anticipated executive order as soon as Tuesday that would allow him to ‘shut down’ the southern border should crossings surge, according t… Continue Reading


Americans Continue To Revolt Against Democrats’ Soft-on-Crime Policies

Even In Monolithically Progressive Portland, Oregon, Voters Fed Up With Spikes In Crime, Homelessness, And Rampant Drug Abuse Ousted A Progressive Soft-On-Crime Prosecutor Who Had Been Backed By Radical George Soros-Funded Groups SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Across the country, surges in violent crime and deadly drugs have forced businesses to board up and working Americans to think twice about the cities where they’ve chosen to raise their families…. And … when they look f… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Cynical Partisan Stunt Can’t Change The Fact That Biden Created The Border Crisis

Senate Democrats Have Telegraphed That Their Stunt To Force A Vote This Week On A Border Security Proposal Is Nothing More Than An Attempt To Gain Political Advantage On ‘A Critical Issue That Polls Show Is A Major Potential Liability’ For Them And The President SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Going soft on border security may have started as just a short-sighted campaign strategy. A reckless debate-stage promise to ‘surge’ asylum seekers to the border might have been just a c… Continue Reading


Democrats Demonstrate Left-Wing Banking Regulations Are More Important To Them Than Cleaning Up The Toxic FDIC

Despite President Biden’s Pledge To ‘Fire’ Officials ‘On The Spot’ For Workplace Misconduct, Both The White House And Many Progressives In Congress Refuse To Call On FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg To Outright Resign, All To Protect Their Desired Banking Regulations SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member: “Leadership carries with it the responsibility of stewardship. Your sheep are lost and your fields riddled with weeds. In 2021, President Biden … Continue Reading


Progressives In Congress Defend The Scandal-Plagued FDIC Chair To Protect Their Regulatory Agenda

Putting Their Ideological Agenda Above Good Governance, Workplace Safety, And President Biden’s Pledge To ‘Fire’ Officials ‘On The Spot’ For Workplace Misconduct, Far-Left Democrats Are Defending And Making Excuses For The Embattled FDIC Chairman, Despite Scathing Findings About Toxic Workplace Culture At The Agency SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC), Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee Ranking Member: “An organization’s culture is set from the top. It’s clear the FDIC, its mission, and mo… Continue Reading


Biden’s Brazen Lies Can’t Ease The Sting Of Three Years Of Inflation

Inflation Remained Well Above The Fed’s Target Rate In April, And With Americans Upset At How Much Price Increases Keep Taking Out Of Their Paychecks, President Biden Has Taken To Blatant Attempts To Gaslight Voters About It   Desperate To Deflect Blame For The Inflation His Economic Policies Caused, President Biden Has Taken To Outright Lying About It “Twice in just the past week, he [Biden] flatly has said inflation was 9 percent when he became president — when inflation was 1.4 percent w… Continue Reading


Biden Emboldens Hamas With His Latest Israel Arms Shutdown

President Biden’s Supposed ‘Ironclad’ Support For Israeli Defense Melts Away Under Heat From The Far Left, Threating America’s Credibility And Israel’s Security While Allowing Hamas To Survive       The Biden Administration and Washington Democrats cannot have it both ways. They can’t claim their commitment to Israel is “ironclad” while denying Israel the weapons it needs to defend itself.@POTUS: Stand up to your party’s radicals and support America’s ally. — … Continue Reading


Biden Courts Pro-Hamas Campus Radicals With His Administration’s Outrageously Politicized Treatment Of Israel

Desperate To Appeal To The Angry Anti-Israel Left Flank Of His Party, President Biden Has Spent Months Incepting A Feud With America’s Ally To The Point Where Now He’s Even Denying Israel The Weapons It Needs To Defend Itself   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The attacks of October 7th brought the world face-to-face with the savage terrorists who have tried to destroy the Jewish state for decades. They forced us all to take a sober look at what our ally, Israel, has to defend… Continue Reading


Biden Campaign And Antisemitic Protests Are Bankrolled By The Same Rich Liberals

The Biggest Names In Democratic Politics Are Cutting Checks And Training The Activists That Are Powering The Vile, Antisemitic Protests At the Same Time They’re Funding Biden’s Re-Election Campaign   New Reporting Shows President Biden And The Pro-Hamas Protesters Are Bankrolled By The Same Wealthy Progressive Megadonors “President Joe Biden has been dogged for months by pro-Palestinian protesters calling him ‘Genocide Joe’ — but some of the groups behind the demonstrations receive financi… Continue Reading


How Many More Radical Associations Must Adeel Mangi Have For Democrats To Finally Shelve His Nomination?

New Reporting Reveals That President Biden’s Nominee For The 3rd Circuit Court Of Appeals, Adeel Mangi, Was More Directly Involved With Rutgers Law’s Controversial Center for Security, Race And Rights Than He Told The Judiciary Committee And Donated To Radical Democrat Candidates In New York With Ties To Anti-Israel Activists And Groups   SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The hateful ideas pouring out of campus encampments are not new to America’s universities. The world’s olde… Continue Reading

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