The Leader Board


‘Arguably The Most Important Piece Of Legislation That Congress Considers Every Year’

This Year's Defense Authorization Provides $750 Billion For National Defense, Including Pay Raises For Our Military, Upgraded Equipment And Capabilities, And The Resources To Strengthen Our Alliances And Confront 'Threats From Great Power Competitors And Rogue Regimes' The Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act by an overwhelming bipartisan 86-8 vote. (S. 1790, Roll Call Vote #188: Passed 86-8, 6/27/2019) 'Ensures The United States Military Will Sustain Its Pl… Continue Reading


A Tale Of Two Bills

Bipartisan Senate Looking To Make A Law, Speaker Pelosi Is Only Looking To "Meet Liberal Demands" SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Fortunately, we do have a chance to make law this week on a hugely bipartisan basis. Yesterday the Senate advanced a clean, simple humanitarian funding bill by a huge margin. Thanks to Chairman Shelby and Senator Leahy, this bipartisan package sailed through the Appropriations Committee, 30 to one. And yesterday it passed the full Senate - listen t… Continue Reading


The House Should Pass The Bipartisan Senate Border Funding Bill

With Money To Address The Humanitarian Crisis At The Border Days Away From Running Out, 'It's A No-Brainer' To Pass The Senate's Supplemental Appropriations Bill, Which Has Overwhelming Bipartisan Support The Bipartisan Senate Emergency Border Funding Bill Passed 84-8 This afternoon, the Senate passed its bipartisan emergency appropriations bill for the crisis at the border by an overwhelming 84-8 vote. (H.R. 3401, Roll Call Vote #185: Passed 84-8, 6/26/2019) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH … Continue Reading


Replacing The Obama EPA’s Job-Killing Coal Regulation

The Trump Administration Is Doing Away With An Obama EPA Regulation That 'Would Have Weaponized A Federal Agency To Bury Energy Producers,' 'Left Higher Electricity Costs In Its Wake,' And Cost American Jobs "The Environmental Protection Agency finalized its replacement for Obama's signature climate policy on Wednesday with a rule officials say will still reduce greenhouse gas emissions … The Clean Power Plan, which never went into effect, was a signature policy proposed by Presiden… Continue Reading


‘Kelly Craft Was An Integral Part Of The Negotiation Of The USMCA’

Canadian Officials Recognize Ambassador Craft 'Played An Instrumental Role In The Renegotiation Of NAFTA' And Business Leaders Valued Her 'Insights And Guidance' On U.S.-Canadian Trade BRIAN MULRONEY, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: "Ambassador Kelly Craft did outstanding work in Canada. She was highly regarded by all and played an important role in the successful negotiation of the USMCA. I have no doubt that she will be a highly impressive representative of the USA at the United Nations."… Continue Reading


Ambassador Kelly Craft: ‘She Really Proved Herself’

President Clinton's Former U.S. Ambassador To Canada Says 'We Know Kelly Can Represent Our Country Well Because We Have Watched Her Do It' Current And Former Canadian Officials: 'Ambassador Kelly Craft Did Outstanding Work In Canada,' 'She Really Proved Herself Over Some Tough Times' BRIAN MULRONEY, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: "Ambassador Kelly Craft did outstanding work in Canada. She was highly regarded by all and played an important role in the successful negotiation of the USMCA… Continue Reading


More Support From Health Care Professionals For Tobacco-Free Youth Act

Dozens Of Health Care Organizations Express Support For Leader McConnell's Tobacco-Free Youth Act, 'Legislation That Would Help Curb The Rise Of Youth Tobacco Use' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The youth vaping crisis is putting the health of our children at risk. To address this rampant and dangerous new trend, I've introduced the 'Tobacco-Free Youth Act,' a bipartisan federal bill with my fellow tobacco state colleague, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va. Once enacted, our leg… Continue Reading


Border Crisis: ‘We Are Running Out Of Money’

HHS Secretary Azar: '[B]y Early July, We May Be Out Of Funding … 'Congress Must Act And Give Us The Funding We Need. This Is Not About Politics. It Is Purely A Humanitarian Issue Of Caring For These Kids.' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The agencies are overwhelmed. The facilities are overwhelmed. It is a true humanitarian crisis, totally unsustainable for these individuals whom our national security and rule of law dictate that we need to detain…. The professi… Continue Reading


‘We Are In A Full-Blown Emergency’

Staggering Numbers Of Migrants And Families Are Flooding The Southern Border, Straining Law Enforcement And Humanitarian Resources To The Breaking Point THE NEW YORK TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD: "Last week … United States Customs and Border Protection released its monthly migration statistics. They tell an alarming story. In May, 144,278 migrants were taken into custody. It was the third consecutive month in which apprehensions topped 100,000 and the highest one-month total in 13 years. Une… Continue Reading


‘An Ongoing Security And Humanitarian Crisis’ At The Border

'I Don't Think We've Ever Seen Anything Near This': More Funding Is Critical For Agencies 'Overwhelmed' By Record Numbers Of Migrants, Families, And Children Crossing The Southern Border SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]he headlines remain filled with the unacceptable, unsustainable security crisis and humanitarian crisis on our southern border. By now I'm confident that every member of Congress has heard the breathtaking numbers. We've all heard the chaos analyzed a thousa… Continue Reading


Twice As Many Confirmations In Half The Time

A Clear Necessity: Since The Rules Change Last Month, The Senate Has Confirmed 45 Nominees In 21 Days, While Before It Took 48 Days To Confirm 23 Nominees SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "After two years of systematic heel-dragging from our friends across the aisle, even on the least controversial nominations, the modest reform the Senate adopted last month is helping us get back on track…. [Previously, these nominees] would've tied up the floor for days before being co… Continue Reading


Tobacco 21: ‘An Important Step Forward’

Health Organizations Applaud Leader McConnell And Sen. Kaine For Their Bill That Would Raise The Sales Age Of Tobacco Products To 21, Saying It 'Will Help Remove Tobacco From High Schools,' 'Be Instrumental In Stemming The Epidemic Of Vaping,' And Could 'Save Hundreds Of Thousands Of Lives' National Health Organizations: 'Raising The Minimum Age Of Sale Will Reduce The Number Of Young People Who Use And Become Addicted To Tobacco Products' AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY CANCER ACTION NETWORK (AC… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Action To Prevent ‘A New Generation At Risk’

Public Health Experts Warn Of 'The Skyrocketing Growth Of Young People's E-Cigarette Use' And Call For Raising The Minimum Age Of Sale To 21 To Prevent Harm To Young Americans SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We've heard from countless parents who have seen the youth vaping crisis firsthand…. Together, Senator Kaine and I are addressing this public health crisis head-on. By making it more difficult for tobacco products to end up in the hands of middle school and high sc… Continue Reading



'Setting Our Court System In The Right Direction With Good, Solid Nominations' "The Senate confirmed its 40th circuit court judge on Wednesday, filling nearly a quarter of the circuit court system with conservative appointments under President Trump." (The New York Times, 5/15/2019) "[Kenneth] Lee is the latest in a series of young conservative jurists and administration appointees who have sailed through the Senate …" (The New York Times, 5/15/2019) "Many of the president's c… Continue Reading


‘Give Us Some Of That Socialism’

Democrats Embrace The Socialism Of The Green New Deal SEN. ED MARKEY (D-MA), Green New Deal Senate sponsor: "They call the Green New Deal pie in the sky. They call it socialism! … So here's what I say for wind and solar and all electric vehicles and clean energy: give us some of that socialism …" (Justice Democrats, @justicedems, Twitter, 5/14/2019) SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), Green New Deal cosponsor: "There is no 'middle ground' when it comes to climate policy." (Sen. Sanders… Continue Reading



'Workers Are Really Confident That There Are Jobs Out There That Are Available For Them' As 'The Strong Labor Market Is Pulling People In Off The Sidelines' And 'The Recovery Is Benefiting The People Most In Need Of Help' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For the better part of the last two years, the Labor Department's monthly jobs report has regularly pointed to an economy that's opening new doors for millions of Americans. It's reinforced what we knew to be the case: the pro… Continue Reading


Lowest Unemployment In 50 Years

'No Denying This Is A Strong Jobs Report': 'U.S. Labor Market Is Still Red-Hot,' 'The Unemployment Rate Fell To A Fresh Half-Century Low,' There Are 'Real Gains In The Paychecks Of Average Workers' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL: (R-KY): "The last two years have been a case study in how much American families benefit when Republican policies get the government out of the way. Helped along by tax reform, regulatory reform, and other efforts, the country is seeing historically low unem… Continue Reading


‘They Don’t Get To Keep It’

Democrats' Radical Single-Payer Medicare For None Schemes Would Outlaw Private Insurance And Kick Tens Of Millions Of Americans Off Their Employer Insurance Plans In Cosponsors' States Alone No, You Can't Keep Your Plan: 'Medicare for All Would Abolish Private Insurance,' 'Let's Eliminate All Of That' THE NEW YORK TIMES: "Medicare for All Would Abolish Private Insurance. 'There's No Precedent in American History.'" ("Medicare for All Would Abolish Private Insurance. 'There's No Precedent in… Continue Reading


‘A Dose Of Reality’

While Democrats Clamor To Expand Medicare Into A Massive Government Single-Payer System, Medicare's Trustees Warn The Program Will Soon Be Unable To Meet Its Existing Obligations House Democrats Are Holding Their First Hearing On Single-Payer 'Medicare For All': 'This Is A Pervasive Policy View' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "If you're one of the 180 million Americans who get their insurance through work, and like it, it's illegal under Medicare for All…. Of course… Continue Reading


‘The Hottest Job Market In Half A Century’

Americans Are Benefitting From Lower Taxes, More Job Opportunities, Competition For Workers, And Higher Wages, All Encouraged By 'Republicans' Pro-Growth, Pro-Opportunity Policies' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Here's how Republicans' pro-growth, pro-opportunity policies helped get us where we are. By encouraging job creators to invest here at home, instead of penalizing success. By recognizing that working families know best how to spend their paychecks, not Washington. By… Continue Reading

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