The Leader Board


Democrats Push Tax Cuts For The Wealthy

The Majority Of Benefits From The Changes To Tax Law Democrats Want Would Go To 'The Top 1 Percent Of Households' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[R]ather than acknowledge that the sky hasn't fallen, our Democratic friends still want to undermine tax reform. And listen to where they've elected to start … Democrats' first target is changing the tax code so that working families across the country have to subsidize wealthy people in states like New York, New Jersey, and… Continue Reading


‘The Eye-Popping Cost’ Of Democrats’ ‘Medicare For None’: Now $34 Trillion

A New Urban Institute Study Shows The One-Size-Fits-All Government-Run Health Care Scheme Embraced By Leading Democrats Would Cost $34 Trillion The 'Medicare For None' Plan Pushed By Leading Democrats 'Would Require $34 Trillion In Additional Federal Spending Over Its First Decade' The Medicare for All Act of 2019 is Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) government-run health care legislation, cosponsored by 14 other Democrat senators, including presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Kama… Continue Reading


Democrats Seek To Revive The War On Coal

Senate Democrats Want To Turn Back The Clock And Revive A Costly 'Complex Scheme' From The Obama Administration That Would Have Raised Energy Costs For Families And Shipped Jobs Overseas "Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) vowed on Thursday to force a floor vote in the Senate on blocking the Trump administration's efforts to repeal Obama-era rules mandating a shift from coal power … It is one of several efforts Mr. Schumer said he plans to make to stem President Trump's r… Continue Reading


The House Must Act On The USMCA Trade Agreement

Speaker Pelosi Is Ignoring The Broad, Bipartisan Agreement That USMCA Would Create Jobs And Boost American Business By Still Not Moving Towards A Vote In The House SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The USMCA is the most consequential update of trade policy on this continent in a quarter-century. A huge opportunity to notch new pro-American policy victories and keep our North American neighbors close while we tackle other challenges such as China. But here we are, months after a… Continue Reading


Burying The Socialist Agenda: Speaker Pelosi’s Prescription To Kill Drug Innovation And Access

Speaker Pelosi's Bid To Micromanage Your Medicine Is 'Dead On Arrival' In The Senate SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic House continue to neglect opportunities to find compromises that might actually become law, and instead churn out on one left-wing messaging bill after another…. [H]ere's what happened last week: House Democrats began unveiling Speaker Pelosi's handmade plan to have Washington D.C. bureaucrats start micromanaging America… Continue Reading


Setting The Record Straight On Election Security

Another $250 Million In Election Security Funding-Totaling $630 Million Over The Last Two Years-Is Just The Latest Example Of Significant Actions Taken Since 2016, Once Again Disproving The Partisan Myths SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I'm proud the Financial Services & General Government bill will include a bipartisan amendment providing another $250 million for the administration and security of their elections, to help states improve their defenses and shore up their … Continue Reading


Democrats Block Defense Funding They Previously Agreed To

'Our Men And Women In Uniform Do Not Deserve To Have The Funding For Their Tools, Their Training, And Their Own Pay Raises Used As Leverage By Senate Democrats' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The stakes are high. We're talking about critical resources for the missions of the Department of Defense. Our military commanders have told us this funding is vital to keeping pace with Putin's Russia, China, and all their efforts to harm American interests. Just days ago, Saudi Arabia… Continue Reading


Burying The Socialist Agenda: House Democrats Vote To Constrain American Energy

Senate Republicans Ensure That At A Time When U.S. Energy Production Is Critical To Americans At Home And Markets Abroad, House Democrats' Agenda To Restrict It Will Go Nowhere SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "While the attack [on Saudi Arabia] has shaken global energy markets, to be sure, the United States is much better positioned to weather the storm than we might have been in decades past…. Why is that, Mr. President? The answer is three words: American domestic ener… Continue Reading


With Global Tensions Elevated, Timely Defense Funding Is Essential

America's Adversaries Will Not Wait While Democrats Play Politics With The Defense Appropriations Bill SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In the face of surging great-power adversaries, simple upkeep is not enough to keep America and our allies safe from aggression. Comprehensive funding for research, development, and readiness programs is what's needed. In Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and beyond we continue to face sustained threats from terrorist organizations. And in t… Continue Reading



Since 2017, The Senate Has Confirmed 152 Article III Judges, A 'Judicial Renaissance' Of 'Dozens Of Constitutionalist Judges [Who] Will Influence The Direction Of The Law For A Generation' "The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump's 150th judicial nominee Wednesday, helping to fulfill the president's campaign promise to remake the federal bench … Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president's total number of appointed judges to the lower federal cour… Continue Reading


‘The Democrats Are Now Trying To Intimidate The Supreme Court’

'All 53 Of My Members, Every Single One Of Them, Wrote A Letter To The Court Telling Them Not To Be Intimidated … And That We Supported The Judicial Independence' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Oh yeah, we're not going to leave a single vacancy behind by the end of next year. And it's noteworthy that the Democrats are now trying to intimidate the Supreme Court. I wonder if you saw the letter… signed by a number of them threatening the Supreme Court by claiming it… Continue Reading


Senate Accomplishments In The 116th Congress

Accomplishments Of The 116th Senate Include: TRANSFORMING THE COURTS: Confirmed 13 of President Trump's circuit court nominees and 46 of his district court nominees for a total of 43 and 99 since 2017, respectively. BUDGET AGREEMENT: Passed a bipartisan deal setting government funding levels for the next two years that secures funding increases to support our troops, rebuild and modernize our military, and support the VA Mission Act to provide timely access and care for our nation's v… Continue Reading


‘Kelly Craft Is Going To Be A Great Ambassador To The United Nations’

As Ambassador To Canada, Kelly Craft Has Earned High Praise As 'Well Respected And A Consummate Diplomat' Giving Confidence That 'She Is Going To Do A Great Job At The U.N.' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Last night, the Senate] also voted to advance the nomination of Ambassador Kelly Craft, a very impressive individual, to serve in the critical role of UN ambassador. Ms. Craft is a fellow product of the Bluegrass. She has already made Kentucky and the nation proud through … Continue Reading


‘It’s The Right Thing To Do’

The Bipartisan Budget Agreement Will Provide Stability And Predictability For Our Military, 'Ensure Veterans Have Timely Access' To Care And Benefits And 'Eliminates The Economic Risk' Surrounding The Debt Ceiling SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]his is a deal that every one of my colleagues should support when we vote on it in the near future. This government funding agreement is the right deal for our national defense. It's the right deal because it ensures the United States… Continue Reading


‘A Victory For Our National Security’

The Budget Deal Is 'A Victory For Our Military,' Bans Far-Left Poison Pills, And Defends Against Abortion Extremism The Budget Deal Is 'A Victory For Our National Security,' 'A Victory For Our Military,' 'A Victory For Our Veterans,' And 'A Victory For American Families' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Considering the circumstances of divided government, this is a good deal. … It's a good deal because it achieves the number-one goal on the Republican side of the aisle:… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Highlights Of Administration-Pelosi Bipartisan Budget Deal

Washington Post: "Trump announces support for two-year bipartisan budget deal…" "Trump lauds deal with no 'poison pills'" "Also as part of the deal, Democratic leaders agreed not to include controversial policy changes, known as 'riders,' in future spending bills. Those measures, which can be tied to hot-button issues such as abortion and immigration, can imperil spending legislation. Opponents of these measures often call them "poison pills." "There will be no poison pills, additional… Continue Reading


Our National Security Depends On Our Military Being Fully Funded

Former Secretary Of Defense James Mattis On Sequestration: 'In The Long Term, It Is The Budget Caps … That Impose The Greater Threat To The Department And To National Security' Former Secretaries Of Defense: 'Without Relief From The BCA Caps, Our Air, Land, And Sea Fleets Will Continue To Erode', A 'Real Danger That It Would Hollow Out The Force,' 'Irresponsible' And 'Outrageous' JAMES MATTIS, Former Secretary of Defense: "In the long term, it is the budget caps mandated in the Bud… Continue Reading


Green New Deal Backers Reveal What Their Sweeping Plan Is Really About

Proponents Call It 'Social-Democratic Populism' That's Really 'A How-Do-You-Change-The-Entire-Economy Thing' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The most prominent voices in the Democratic Party are openly calling to re-start a big-government assault on fossil fuels and on so many Americans' livelihoods. We all remember, several months back, when many Democrats embraced an unabashedly socialist proposal called the Green New Deal that would have made the Obama-era War on Coal look… Continue Reading


Mark Esper Is ‘A Soldier, A Scholar,’ And ‘An All-American Public Servant’

Secretary Mark Esper Has Garnered Bipartisan Praise As 'A Very Solid Nomination,' 'Superbly Well Qualified By Experience And Temperament For The Position' Of Secretary Of Defense Who Demonstrates 'Excellent Judgement,' 'Sound Character And Moral Courage' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Acting Secretary Esper is an impressive leader with a distinguished record in uniform, on Capitol Hill, in the private sector, and as a senior leader at the Pentagon. I'm glad President Trump h… Continue Reading


New Judges ‘Making An Important Difference For The Country’

The Senate Has Now Confirmed More Nominees To The 9th Circuit Than Any Other Appellate Court, 'Altering The Historically Liberal Bench' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "All week, the Senate has continued our productivity in overcoming partisan opposition and confirming the president's well-qualified nominees for important offices. We've confirmed the newest judge on the Ninth Circuit. And yesterday we confirmed three district judges by overwhelming bipartisan margins: 78 to 15&he… Continue Reading

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