The Leader Board
Dems On Nominees: ‘We Owe Deference To A President’
'Our Role Is Not To Substitute Our Judgment For The President' FLASHBACK: President Barack Obama - Original 2009 Cabinet Nominations The Cabinet includes the Vice President, and the heads of fifteen executive departments subject to Senate confirmation. There are also an additional seven Cabinet-ranked officials, six of whom are Senate confirmed. (The White House Chief of Staff is not). Regarding President Obama's first-term Cabinet members: Seven were confirmed on January 20, 2009, the … Continue Reading
Key Former Justice Dept. Officials Support Sessions
Former U.S. Attorneys: His 'Inviolable Promise To Treat All People Equally Under The Law' Leave Us In 'No Doubt That Senator Sessions Can Do The Job Well' Former Assistant Attorneys General: 'We Are Pleased To Endorse [Jeff Sessions'] Nomination And Do So Without Reservation' FORMER U.S. ATTORNEYS: 'We, The Signatories Below, Are All Former United States Attorneys … Who Write To Support The Confirmation Of Senator Jeff Sessions As Attorney General Of The United States' LETTER FROM 10… Continue Reading
‘The Attorney General Position Must Be Filled Swiftly’
Senate Dems Previously: 'This Position Is Too Important For Any Kind Of Political Games' "Historically, the Senate began hearings before Inauguration Day for every attorney general nominee from a newly elected president since Dwight Eisenhower..." ("Democrats To Give Trump Cabinet Picks The Garland Treatment," Politico, 12/05/2016) FLASHBACK Top Dem: 'We Should All Be Able To Agree That Confirming The Top Law Enforcement Position Should Be An Urgent Priority Of The Senate' SEN. DIANNE FEI… Continue Reading
Obamacare Spiraling Out Of Control
'Vast Majority Of Americans Want To See The Law Changed' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'Real Problems,' 'There Are Going To Be People Who Are Hurt' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "…there are going to be people who are hurt by premium increases or a lack of competition and choice." (President Obama, Remarks, Miami, FL, 10/20/16) "President Barack Obama said his signature health-care law has 'real problems'…" (Bloomberg, 10/3/16) FORMER PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON on the consequences of Obamacare: "It's t… Continue Reading
Sen. Sessions ‘A Good Man’
Democrat, Republican Alabamians Praise Sen. Jeff Sessions As 'A Man of the Highest Character And Integrity' SEN. QUINTON ROSS: 'I Know Him Personally… And The Experience Has Been Nothing But Positive' "Alabama state Senator Quinton Ross (D-Montgomery) and U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) come from different sides of the political aisle. But as Sessions' hearings near for confirmation to the position of U.S. Attorney General, he'll have Ross' support. Ross, a black man who now holds t… Continue Reading
Obamacare Keeps Getting Worse
'Obamacare Is Getting Less Affordable As Options Dwindle,' 'It's The Craziest Thing In The World' GALLUP: "Americans' assessments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) … more continuing to disapprove (53%) than approve (42%) of the law. Going forward, the vast majority of Americans want to see the law changed." ("Most Americans Want Changes to Affordable Care Act," Gallup, 11/28/2016) "[I]t is clear that about eight in 10 Americans favor changing the ACA significantly (43%) or replacing it… Continue Reading
114th Congress: Major Wins For The American People
Stack Of Major Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate: 21st Century Cures, Fighting Zika, Combatting Opioids, Water Resources Development Act, FAA Legislation, Infrastructure Improvements, Biotech Labeling, Puerto Rico Restructuring, Modernizing The Toxic Substances Control Act, Trade Secrets, FOIA Updates, North Korean Sanctions & Much More SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): 'I'm incredibly proud of what we've been able to accomplish for our country' "This Congress, the Se… Continue Reading
Dems ‘Bankrupt’ Coal Rhetoric
Dems' Candidate For President: 'Put A Lot Of Coal Miners … Out Of Business' TOP DEMS: 'A War On Coal Is Exactly What's Needed,' 'We're Going To Put A Lot Of Coal Miners … Out Of Business' HILLARY CLINTON: "We're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business." ("Why Putting Coal Miners Out Of Work Is A Very Bad Thing To Say In West Virginia," The Washington Post, 5/10/16) "…Obama's new rules are absolutely changing the trajectory of the power indus… Continue Reading
Sessions’ Strong Record On Civil Rights
'Prosecuted The KKK,' 'Focused On Solving The Fires' At Black Churches, Won 'Hard-Fought Victory For Civil Rights' On Drug Sentencing Which 'Unfairly Impact[s] Minority Communities' REP. MARTHA ROBY (R-AL): "I'm sharing these photos that my staff member took in Selma during the 50th Anniversary of 'Bloody Sunday,' showing Senator Sessions joining arms with civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis and other leaders to cross the Edmund-Pettus Bridge. That was an important day for Alabama, and Senator S… Continue Reading
Dems On WRDA: ‘I’m Hopeful That This Bill Will ... Quickly Become Law’
Democrat: 'This Is A Win-Win-Win' WRDA Passed the House of Representatives with an overwhelming vote of 360-61. (S. 612, Roll Call Vote #622: Motion agreed to 360-61: R 222-17; D 138-44, 12/08/2016) DEMOCRATS: 'I'm Hopeful That This Bill Will ... Quickly Become Law' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): "Protecting New York's most vital resources - like Lake Ontario and Lake Erie - remains a top priority of mine and I am committed to ensuring we get the highest level of funding for the GLRI progra… Continue Reading
Sen. Sessions’ Leadership On Prison Reform
Sessions Key To 'Pivotal' 'Landmark Law … To Address The Scourge Of Sexual Abuse Behind Bars' PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT OF 2003: Sessions Bill Marked 'A Sea Change In The Awareness Of Sexual Assaults … Against Incarcerated Men And Women' Sen. Sessions was one of the driving forces behind S.1435, the 'Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003' (S.1435, Signed Into Law 9/4/2003) SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL): "I worked with Senator Kennedy to hammer out legislation that I think is impor… Continue Reading
Obamacare’s Higher Costs
'I'm A Sickness Away … From Going To The Poor House' 'The Vast Majority Of Americans Want To See The Law Changed' GALLUP: "Americans' assessments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) remain relatively unchanged after the Nov. 8 election, with more continuing to disapprove (53%) than approve (42%) of the law. Going forward, the vast majority of Americans want to see the law changed." ("Most Americans Want Changes to Affordable Care Act," Gallup, 11/28/2016) "Since [2012], disapproval ha… Continue Reading
Drug Enforcement Officials: Sessions Will Make ‘An Excellent Attorney General’
Former Drug Czars And DEA Administrators Praise Sen. Sessions' 'Leadership And Sober Dedication' Sen. Sessions 'Is A Protector Of Civil Rights And Defender Of Crime Victims' "[W]e write to express our strong support for the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. Senator Sessions' exemplary record during his long career in public service speaks to the leadership and sober dedication he would bring to the Department of Justice. . . His prudent and respon… Continue Reading
Will Senate Dems Join The ‘Insurgency’?
Senate Liberals Are Threatening To Break Precedent, And Obstruct & Slow-Walk Cabinet Nominees Despite Previously Claiming (Before The Election) There Is A 'Moral Obligation' To 'Get Things Done' SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY) Prior To Election: "We have a moral obligation, even beyond the economy and politics, to avoid gridlock and get the country to work again... We have to get things done." ("Schumer Sees Path to Senate Tax Deal With Clinton in White House," Bloomberg Politics, 11/07/2016) FL… Continue Reading
Former U.S. Attorneys General Support Sessions
Former Attorneys General: 'Senator Sessions Is Superbly Qualified By Temperament, Intellect, And Experience, To Serve As This Nation's Chief Law Enforcement Officer' Sen. Sessions Is 'A Person Of Unwavering Dedication To The Mission Of The Department [Of Justice]' "The signers of this letter served in the Department of Justice ... and, in connection with that service, came to know Senator Jeff Sessions through his oversight of the Department as a member of the Judiciary Committee or in his … Continue Reading
21st Century Cures: A Medical ‘Innovation Game-Changer’
Bipartisan Legislation 'Addresses Problems That Touch Nearly Every American Life' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Too many people are waiting for the promise of a cure or a medical advancement to combat a life-threatening disease. . . Cutting back on bureaucratic red tape, advancing lifesaving research and tackling the scourge of cancer would move our country forward and help millions looking for more than hope, but a chance at long, healthy lives." ("$6.3 Billion Measure Aims… Continue Reading
Law Enforcement Lauds Sen. Jeff Sessions
'A Man Of Outstanding Character With An Impeccable Reputation For Integrity' Former Justice Department Officials: 'He Will Be Driven By The Law' LARRY THOMPSON, Former Deputy Attorney General of the United States: "I first met Jeff when he was United States attorney in Mobile, Ala., and I was the United States attorney in Atlanta. To stretch our limited per diems on travel to Justice Department conferences, we often shared a hotel room. You really get to know a person when you interact so cl… Continue Reading
‘Did I Do That?’
'Democrats … Sank Republican Attempts To Pass Stand-Alone Defense Spending Measures' That Was Then: 'Senate Democrats … Blocked For A Third Time A Key Defense Spending Bill' This Is Now: Democrats Wonder Where The Appropriations Bills Are SEN. BARBARA MIKULSKI (D-MD): "I come to the floor to say that, sadly, I am concerned we will not finish our job on appropriations the way we should finish it . . . But instead of finishing Congress's work to fund the government, we ar… Continue Reading
‘Obamacare Exchanges Open To Angst’
Americans Facing 'Significant Rate Hikes…Fewer Health Plans' "Open enrollment for Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, begins today. Problems with the law mean consumers could face significant rate hikes in some parts of the country. There will also be fewer health plans to choose from." ("With Insurers Pulling Out Of Markets, Some Obamacare Users 'Really Nervous,'" CBS News, 11/01/2016) … Continue Reading
‘There Are Going To Be People Who Are Hurt’
'Obamacare Benchmark Premiums to Rise 25% in Sharpest Jump Yet' 'Premiums Will Go Up Sharply,' 'In Arizona … Will Jump By 116 Percent' "'I can't afford to get sick after paying for the health insurance,' Ms. [Laura M. Schlett, 44, of Brandon, Miss., a suburb of Jackson] said." ("Some Health Plan Costs To Increase By An Average Of 25 Percent, U.S. Says," The New York Times, 10/24/16) "Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Barack Obama's health care law, and many consum… Continue Reading