The Leader Board
Time To ‘Help Protect American Lives’
Victims' Families, Law Enforcement Groups Speak Out In Support of Legislation to Enact 'Kate's Law' and to Address 'Sanctuary Cities' "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Thursday announced the Senate would vote… on legislation to enact 'Kate's Law,' [and to] strip any jurisdiction qualifying as a 'sanctuary city' of federal grant money. 'Kate's Law' is a campaign to impose a penalty of a minimum of five years in prison for any illegal immigrant who is deported and then … Continue Reading
‘Waste Of Time’?
Supporting Our Troops, Funding Our Veterans, & Doing The Basic Work Of Government Isn't A 'Waste Of Time' SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "…if the President is serious in his just-restated commitment to taking all steps necessary to combat ISIL, then he'll know that signing this bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act is anything but the 'waste of time' some of his allies might pretend it to be. It's essential." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 10/7/15) Dems: Doing Our Job '… Continue Reading
Obama’s Regulatory Blitz: ‘Death By A Thousand Cuts’
51 Regulations Are Promulgated By Bureaucrats For Every Law Passed SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): 'The costs of these regulations are real' "In the final 15 months of the Obama administration, Washington bureaucrats are working overtime, to finalize new rules on everything from prairie puddles to power plants. … In this administration's race to control more of what Americans do every day, it has lost all perspective. The rules are based on ideology, rather than practicality. The result is… Continue Reading
Will Obama ‘Make History, But Not In A Good Way’?
With Global Crises Spreading, President Obama Threatens To Veto Bipartisan Defense Bill "American presidents rarely veto national defense authorization bills, since they are, well, vital to national security. …Refusing to sign this bill would make history, but not in a good way. Mr. Obama should let it become law…" (Editorial, "Mr. Obama's Veto Threat," The Washington Post, 10/4/15) Q: "On the Hill yesterday, lawmakers reached a compromise on the annual defense authorization bi… Continue Reading
Pres. Obama Forgets His Defense Veto Threat
Congress Has Shown Bi-Partisan Support For A Long-Term Defense Program, Which President Obama Has Vowed To Veto President Obama Says Our Military Needs 'Long-Term Planning,' Contradicts His Veto Threat PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Part of what makes us a leader is when we govern effectively, and we keep our own house in order. And we pass budgets. And we can engage in long-term planning… And we can't just keep on kicking down the road without solving any problems or doing any long-term planning fo… Continue Reading
Shock: Dems Block Funding For Vets
Last Week Dems Again Blocked Funding For Active Duty Troops, Families, And Veterans "Democrats on Thursday blocked the Senate from turning to a $78 billion spending measure for the Department of Veterans Affairs and military base construction." ("Democrats Block Veterans Funding Bill As Budget Talks Loom," Associated Press, 10/1/15) SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "'They issued press releases praising the bill, but they seem prepared to block the Senate from even debating this bill, too,' he said… Continue Reading
EPA Ozone Rule: ‘Costliest Regulation In History’
'Unattainable' EPA Rule Would Have 'Huge Economic Impact,' 'Could Cost The Equivalent of 1.4 Million Jobs Annually' EPA's 'Environmental Justice' Will 'Jeopardize A Resurgence In American Manufacturing' "In August 2011, as President Obama prepared to unveil a major new environmental regulation on smog, his political advisers issued a warning: The rule would affect power plants and factories throughout the Midwest, slowing the economy in states like Ohio that would be crucial to the presi… Continue Reading
Tilting At Climate Windmills
U.S. Workers Pay For President's Anti-Energy Efforts, While Foreign Nations Scoff PRESIDENT OBAMA'S CLIMATE CRUSADE: 224,000 Jobs 'Eliminated,' 'Electricity Bills Up,' '$50 Billion In Annual Costs' "The heart of the U.S. commitment consists of proposed EPA power plant regulations that industry groups and congressional Republicans are already trying to undercut, both by pursuing court challenges and by urging states not to comply." ("Obama Pledges Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cuts," Politico, 3… Continue Reading
‘No President Has Done Worse By The Middle Class In Modern Times’
President Obama's Economy: 'Fewer People… Moving Up The Pay Ladder' 'Economic Stagnation,' 'No Improvements In Wages' 'For Ordinary Americans, Especially The Poor, The Economic Recovery - Now Into Its Seventh Year - Has Yet To Deliver Measurable Benefits' "'The persistent high unemployment yielded no improvements in wages and no improvement in the median incomes of working-age households or any reduction in poverty, said Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute… Continue Reading
Obamacare: A Goldmine For Thieves 'Audit Found 135 Database Vulnerabilities,' Contractor Paid '$4 Million To Correct Defects Of The Botched Site,' 'Deficiencies' Also Found In NY Exchange 'Obamacare On A Network With Basic Cybersecurity Flaws' "The federal government stored the sensitive personal data of millions of people who purchased insurance through ObamaCare on a network with basic cybersecurity flaws, a federal audit revealed Thursday." (" Faulted For Weak Cybersecurity," The Hill, 9/24/15)… Continue Reading
Dems Praised Bipartisan Appropriations Bills For Funding ‘Vital Programs’
SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): "If they want to get appropriation bills, here's how you do it. Have it bipartisan, that's how we got it done for many years I've been here and many, many years before I got here." (Sen. Reid, Press Conference, 9/22/15) Agriculture: Includes 'Key Wins To Help Farming Communities … Across The Country' "The Senate Appropriations Committee advanced Thursday the draft 2016 Agriculture, Rural Development and FDA spending bill that would provide $20.5 billion in dis… Continue Reading
Every Person Is Endowed With The Right To Life
Will The U.S. Continue To Be One Of Only Seven Nations That Allow Post 20-Week Abortions? MAJORITY LEADER MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "In my travels I often hear about the many ways that Washington fails to stand up and fight for worthy causes. Among the most notable is the fight to protect innocent life. That's why last summer I said that a new Republican majority would prioritize legislation that aims to protect unborn children after 20 weeks in the womb, and that's why I will be proud to vote… Continue Reading
‘Frightening…Deplorable…Outrageous’ Situation
Will Dems Back Their Calls To The Iranian Regime To 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail'? Senate Dem To Iran: 'Immediately Release All Americans Who Are In Jail' The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release American prisoners. (S.Con.Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #175, Adopted 90-0: R 47-0, D 42-0, I 1-0, 5/11/15) SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL): "We are hopefully and prayerfully expectant that if it is a successfully concluded negotiation to prevent Iran from … Continue Reading
American Prisoners Languish In Iran
Prisoners Raise 'Legitimate And Serious Concerns About This Deal' SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): "There are legitimate and serious concerns about this deal. For example... Hostages remain in Iranian custody. We will have to work hard to fight Iran's malign efforts to wreak havoc in the region." ("Why I'm Supporting An Imperfect Iran Deal," Medium, 8/6/15) The Senate voted unanimously for a resolution calling on Iran to release the American prisoners. (S. Con. Res. 16, Roll Call Vote #17… Continue Reading
Iran: ‘Strong Support’?
Fact-Checker: 'It Is Difficult To Support The Claim That There Is "Strong Support" For The Iran Deal Among Lawmakers And Citizens' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike." (President Obama, Statement, 9/10/15) WASHINGTON POST's 'Fact-Checker': "Anyway you slice it, it is difficult to support the claim that there is 'strong support' for the Iran deal among lawmakers and citiz… Continue Reading
‘When Sanctions Lift, Iranian Commander Will Benefit’
Iran's Worst Of The Worst Receive 'Significant Sanctions Relief' Thanks To President Obama's Deal "There will be significant sanctions relief for the leader of the Quds force, a special unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard accused of supplying militants with weapons to kill Americans during the Iraq war, under the new Iran nuclear deal. Gen. Qasem Soleimani will have his travel ban lifted and foreign assets unfrozen -- sanctions imposed by the UN -- if the deal goes as planned." ("Irania… Continue Reading
The Iranian Record: Post Agreement
International Commitments Violated, Terrorism Support Continues, U.S. Still Called 'Great Satan' 'The Iranian Regime Continues To View The U.S. As The "Great Satan"' AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI, Iranian Dictator: 'Reiterated that America remains the "Great Satan."' "Speaking to a group of people in Tehran, Khamenei reiterated that America remains the 'Great Satan.' 'The Iranian nation ousted the Satan. We should not let it back through the window to penetrate' Iran, he said." ("Iran's Supreme Leader… Continue Reading
Dems: Let’s ‘Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal’
A Filibuster 'Would Stop All Of You From Knowing How We Voted On This' And The 'Democratic Caucus Does Not Like That Position At All' 98 Senators voted for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (H.R. 1191, Roll Call Vote #174, Bill Passed 98-1, R 53-1, D 43-0, I 2-0, 5/7/15) Senate Democrats: 'Go To The Floor And Cast Our Votes For Or Against This Deal,' 'It's Important Because The Stakes Are High' SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): "As a caucus that was opposed to games with filibusters … Continue Reading
Dems Sell Iran Deal To America
Deal 'Falls Short', 'Deeply Flawed' And Contains 'Significant Shortcomings' Dem. Senators: Deal 'Didn't Achieve [Its] Objective, 'This Deal Is Not The Agreement I Have Long Sought' SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ): "We joined with our partner nations at the outset of negotiations with the stated intention of preventing Iran from having the capability to get a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, it's clear we didn't achieve that objective and have only delayed-not blocked-Iran's potential nuclear breakout."… Continue Reading
Iran: A ‘Malign Force’
'U.S. Military Deaths In Iraq And Afghanistan Were Directly Linked To Iran' PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: "Do we think that with the sanctions coming down, that Iran will have some additional resources for its military and for some of the activities in the region that are a threat to us and a threat to our allies? I think that is a likelihood that they've got some additional resources." (President Obama, Press Conference, 7/15/15) "The totality of European Union sanctions, including the embargo … Continue Reading