The Leader Board

December 2021
Democrats’ Reckless Taxing-And-Spending Spree Is Stuffed With Billions Of Dollars In Special Interest Giveaways, Earmarks, And Waste
As Fed Chair Admits Inflation Is Not Transitory, Biden Must Back Off His Bill That Would Accelerate It
November 2021
Democrats’ Reckless Taxing-And-Spending Spree Is A ‘Big Labor Bonanza’
Democrats’ Deception Exposed: Their Reckless Taxing-And-Spending Spree Adds To The Deficit, Fuels Inflation, And Hikes Taxes On The Middle Class
Democrats Poised To Deliver Tax Cuts For Millionaires And Tax Hikes For The Middle Class
Democrats Determined To Ignore Inflation Warnings From Economists And American Families
As Energy Prices Soar, Biden Keeps Trying To Make Energy More Expensive
Bipartisan Demands For Sen. Schumer To Bring NDAA To The Senate Floor
Generational High Inflation: Kill The Bill
Biden Administration Launches New Offensive In Their War On Coal
Most Americans Say President Biden Has The Wrong Priorities For The Country
Dems Still Pushing For Amnesty As Border Crisis Continues
Democrats Are Whistling Past The Graveyard
As President Biden Bleats ‘Pay Your Fair Share,’ Democrats Guarantee A Net Tax Cut For Wealthy Blue State Residents
American Security Can’t Wait For Democrats’ NDAA Delays
The Civilian Climate Corps Is ‘Pure Socialist Wish-Fulfillment’
October 2021
Dem Leaders Stuff Spending Bill With Big Money Giveaways For Their States
Dems Double Down On High Energy Prices With Green New Deal Policies
Republicans United Against IRS Dragnet
Yellen Admits ‘The Spending That We Did’ Is Contributing To Inflation
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