The Leader Board

August 2022
Democrats Vote For Socialist Price Controls, Which Will Starve Americans Of Life-Saving Medications
Democrats Vote To Sic A Horde Of IRS Auditors On American Families And Small Businesses
Democrats Vote Again To Allow Chaos On The Southern Border To Continue
Democrats Vote To Continue Biden’s War On Coal
Democrats Vote To Keep Americans’ Energy Bills High
Democrats Vote To Raise Americans’ Gas Prices
Why Won’t Sen. Manchin Wait Just Four Days For The July Inflation Numbers He Said He Needed To See?
What Else Is Joe Manchin Wrong About?
Yes, Joe, Democrats Are Raising Taxes
July 2022
Democrats Revive Some Of Their Worst Taxing And Spending Spree Policies That Would Cost Americans And Kill Jobs
Democrats Push Job-Killing Tax Hikes Just As The Country Falls Into A Recession
Biden Administration Tries To Explain Away Harsh Economic Realities By Redefining ‘Recession’
Senate Dems Are Angry Their Tax Hikes Might Be Delayed
Democrats Prepare To Crush Inflation-Battered Small Businesses With A Massive Tax Hike
After Plundering Americans’ Paychecks With The Worst Inflation In 40 Years, Democrats Should Not Do It Again With Tax Hikes
Dems Attempting To Resurrect Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Plans At The Worst Possible Time
June 2022
Biden’s Inflation Brings Americans ‘The Most Expensive July Fourth’ In Years
Democrats’ Abortion Extremism Puts Them Outside The Mainstream
Soros Prosecutors Have Overseen Massive Crime Waves In Their Communities
Consensus In Washington: Biden’s ‘Very Showbiz’ Gas Tax Gimmick Panned By Everyone
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